Concrete, oxidized steel, nylon covered steel cable, filter vent, shingles, belt, rubber gaskets, outlet cover, corner dam, foot peds, Time Warner cable wire, poster holder, screen door crossbar, squeegee replacement rubber
100” x 75” | base 14” x 20” x 11”
Installation view from exhibition "Vanishing Point" curated by Adrianna Campbell at James Cohan Gallery
These works perform the function of abstraction - visually and informationally. They reduce forms to geometric shapes, lines, and colors; incorporating a stripped down vocabulary of form and banal found products of consumer culture. Suspension lends to defamiliarization of these objects, transforming the quotidian into abstractions, while naming the objects brings out the arbitrariness of the process of signification. The works play against a dynamic of what feels right formally, and the rigor of a correct or formalized structure.